July 2024 Market Intelligence Report

Stocks Higher in 2024: Most major market indicies are continuing last year’s positive gains through the first half of 2024, with US large-cap technology stocks leading the way yet again.

Mixed Economic Signals: The economy has exceeded expectations in 2024. Resiliency has been driven by strength in the consumer and the labor market, but inflation remains persistently high and some signs of stress are emerging.

Upcoming US Election: The first US Presidential debate has officially kicked off the race for the White House. However, typical election-year market volatility has yet to materialize in 2024. This may change in the second half of the year, but history suggests that markets tend to perform relatively well regardless of which party is in control.

Investment Themes for the Remainder of 2024: While markets have generally advanced and some parts of the market look somewhat expensive, we continue to find opportunities in some of the unloved corners of the market.
